Provides a naturalistic shelter for snakes, lizards, amphibians and invertebratesHelps to prevent stress, bad sheds and egg bindingProvides a nesting ..
Pet SuppliesSpecial waterproof LED lightsAdds beneficial humidity and a great water source for your reptilesStimulates natural drinking behaviorsSepar..
Perfect for all desert and basking reptiles10% UVB Output, 30% UVA OutputCan be oriented either vertically or horizontallyUses a special UVB transmitt..
Zoo Med ReptiSun 5.0 UVB Mini Compact Fluorescent (13 watts) is perfect for all desert and basking reptiles 5 UVB Output, 30 UVA Output, FULL SPECTRUM..
Description change to:RH-1 Size: Standard (10.5\" H x 2\" W x 7\" L) Features: -Rock heater. -Hydrated rock material that is twice as strong as cement..
Zoo Med's Large Sun-Dried Red Shrimp are an excellent high-quality, protein rich food ideal for large aquatic turtles and large size freshwater or mar..
External canister filter for turtle habitats up to 75 gallons (284 liters) in size265 gallon per hour (gph) ratingSlim line design fits in tight space..
The perfect basking spot for aquatic turtles! Features an automatic self-leveling feature that ensures that turtles always have access to a dry baskin..